What is ISIS?
Special ISIS insurance
Special ISIS insurance is the insurance if you go abroad for a longer period of time. For example, because you are going backpacking, becoming an au pair, doing voluntary work, going to study or to have an internship. We insure people up to 65 years of age.
ISIS Au Pair insurance
Are you a host family in the Netherlands for a foreign au pair? Then it is possible the au pair gets sick, has an accident or has to be repatriated to her home country. ISIS Au Pair insurance than is specially developed to insure au pairs during their stay in the Netherlands.
ISIS Incoming insurance
Do you live in the Netherlands and regularly receive family, friends or other guests from abroad to visit? Then you can take out the ISIS Incoming insurance for them. Your guests will be well insured during their stay in the Netherlands. The maximum age for acceptance is 45 years. Acceptance is dependent on status and obligation to take out a state health insurance or not and is secondary to any health insurance that exists in the home country.
ISIS Continuous insurance
Do you travel abroad several times a year on holiday? Then the ISIS Continuous travel insurance is often a lot cheaper and easier than taking out an individual insurance for each holiday. We insure people up to 65 years of age.
ISIS Continuous Cancellation
Do you travel regularly? Then take out, beside the ISIS Continuous Insurance also an ISIS Continuous Cancellation insurance. If you have to cancel your trip unexpectedly, or your trip must be canceled prematurely, then you are entitled to a benefit.
ISIS Cancellation
Going on a trip abroad? Then take out the ISIS Cancellation insurance. Something can happen and you will have to postpone your trip, or cancel at worst. You also have coverage during the first 45 days of your trip in case you have to cut your trip short.